Install Chain Core Developer Edition
Choose operating system
Download Windows installer
Download and run the Chain Core installer. After installation, open the Start menu and run Chain Core.
Install with Docker
Install Docker for Windows and run the following command. Docker will automatically download and run Chain Core.
Running Chain Core in a Docker container requires API and Dashboard authentication. Once the Chain Core container has been initialized, a client access token will be displayed in the console. You can use this access token to authenticate to the API and Dashboard.
Run the latest Docker image
docker run -it -p 1999:1999 chaincore/developer
Visit dashboard
open http://localhost:1999
Configure port forwarding (Windows 7, 8, 8.1)
Systems running Windows 7, 8, or 8.1 are unable to run the latest version of Docker (Docker for Windows). Instead, these systems run Docker Toolbox, which utilizes VirtualBox. Therefore, in order to access the Chain Core container through localhost, you must first configure VirtualBox port forwarding to properly route the requests.
If you are running the latest version of Docker on Windows 10, you can skip this step.
Install with Docker
Install Docker for Linux and run the following command. Docker will automatically download and run Chain Core.
Running Chain Core in a Docker container requires API and Dashboard authentication. Once the Chain Core container has been initialized, a client access token will be displayed in the console. You can use this access token to authenticate to the API and Dashboard.
Run the latest Docker image
docker run -it -p 1999:1999 chaincore/developer
Visit dashboard
open http://localhost:1999